Monday, December 22, 2008

Survey Says...

Before TurboSquid launched Revit Market, we conducted an extensive survey of Revit users. Our goal was to find out what Revit users need and want with regard to Revit families. I thought I'd share the most interesting results with you.

Survey Results
  • 66% of Revit users need custom families for more than 50% of their projects. 98% search the Internet for downloadable families.
  • The biggest concern on downloads is quality: 87% doubt whether downloaded families will work correctly, and 55% worry about how they'll look in the scene.
  • About half the respondents said their Revit families belong to the company they work for, not to them personally.

What We Did About It

In response to concerns voiced in the survey, we added two key features to Revit Market:

Certification. All the Revit families published for sale at Revit Market will be subjected to a certification process. A "certified" family must have correct parameterization, and must work as expected. When shopping at Revit Market, customers will be able to tell at a glance whether a family is certified. They'll also be able to search on certified content only. This feature is going into Revit Market within a few weeks. We've already started doing the testing itself; we're just waiting on the widget that we can set to Yay or Nay for each product. (More about certification)

Rollover Royalty Accounts. Because so many Revit libraries are owned by companies, we've introduced a payment method to cater to this situation. With a Rollover account, the Revit Market account is opened on the behalf of the company, not an individual. Then families can be published on behalf of the company. All sales royalties from each month are rolled into a credit account for the entire company or department, so monies made by a Revit department can be used by that same department to purchase more families. (More about Rollover accounts)

If you have questions about any of these offerings, feel free to email me. I'd love to hear from you.

- Michele

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